Ecce Agnus Dei
The Ecce Agnus Dei window was given in 1944 in memory of Sgt. Charles Marvin Trinnier, Jr. by his wife Patricia Engel Trinnier. Patricia met Charles when they were in the 6th grade in Mount Clemens. Patricia Kay Engel, daughter of Frederick Paul and M. Edna Blohm Engel. and Charles were married on December 9, 1943. Less than six months later, while Charles was on a mission as a gunner on a B-24 in Austria he was shot down and Charles died on May 24, 1944. He is buried in Liege, Belgium. When Charles was killed, Patricia was 19 years old. She chose this window because Agnus Dei was her favorite chant while a member of the choir at Grace Church. This window is located on the south side of the church in the narthex (vestibule).
Charles Trinnier, Jr. was born May 15, 1924, son of Charles Marvin, Sr. and Mary Warren Trinnier. He left high school to join the Air Corps during World War II. Charles was the first from his high school class to be killed in action in World War II.
Subsequent to Charles’ passing Patricia married Evans J. Titus. They had three children, Jacqueth Neuhauser, Paula Norris and Jason Titus.