Grace’s Altar Guild is a volunteer group of the parish whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards. Altar Guild members frequently supervise the decoration of the sanctuary of the parish with flowers.
Blessings in a Backpack sends weekend food home with over 400 Mt. Clemens schoolchildren who might otherwise go hungry.
Wednesdays during the school year at 4:00 PM at Seminal Elementary School in Mt. Clemens
Grace Book Club is a great place for sharing fellowship as well as a love of reading. The club meets the last Thursday of the month in the parish hall at 5:00 p.m. Members are encouraged to bring dinner with them, providing a chance for socialization before book discussion. Book suggestions are welcome, as are all points of view.
Our goal is to help lead the preservation of this grand building.
Keeping her standing for another 150 years and making the gardens something to talk about.
Does the church need a repair? Click the link to send us and email so we can get it fixed!
Our pantry continues to supply those facing “food insecurity” in Macomb County. We serve about 300 people each month, families, elders and the homeless on the street. We are open three mornings a week, manned by volunteers, many from our community who feel called to serve.
We receive lots of food donations from other area churches and Christmas gifts from individuals. We are also blessed with grants from Meijer for several thousand dollars each year. The county supplies us with food twice a month which helps greatly. Everything else, we purchase in order to keep up with the need.
We witness all the time how we have touched lives, helped families and fed the elderly. We help those who live on the edge.
We come together to promote and encourage a community dedicated to valuing inclusion, to ensure the respectful and equitable treatment of all races, cultures and beliefs.
The Interfaith Center for Racial Justice has been working for over 50 years to build bridges of understanding among people of different cultures and faith traditions. We have reached out through our work in diversity awareness; Listen, Learn, Live has been a unique experience as we embraced the differences that make us unique not separate. The Black/White Exchange created a way to engage, promoting inclusiveness. Working with interfaith communities will remain a strong focus on what we do. We want to rebuild relationships with other interfaith communities to foster understanding and fellowship.
Worship at Grace features traditional and contemporary music, including hymns, gospel music, praise and folk songs, drums, piano and organ. The congregation really sings with heart and gusto under the leadership of Amy Saari who became our Minister of Music in the summer of 2014. She leads our choir, which rehearses each Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm from Labor Day until Christmas and from New Year's to Pentecost. The choir periodically offers choral anthems at Sunday worship, and is open to all singers.
Food: Grace Food Pantry, Wednesday Community Supper, Sunday Soup Kitchen, and Blessings in a Backpack.
Shelter: Warming Center, MCREST, and Hearts for Homes.
More information about each program can be found on the Outreach page.
We are a small group of women who meet monthly, usually the second Saturday of the month, to discuss and update the prayer list which appears each Sunday in the church bulletin. We then send prayer cards to those on the list, letting them know that we, at Grace Church, are praying for them daily.
To have someone added or taken off the prayer list, simply call the church office or me.
We welcome anyone wishing to join us, men included!
Jill Cottrell
Payer Shawl Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
This is one of our feeding ministries that provides a hot meal to those in need of nourishment, a place to rest, essential supplies as well kindness from caring people. We serve a supper on Sunday (Nov- March) at 4:30pm in our fellowship hall. Cooks are volunteers from Grace and other church communities. All are welcome!
The technology committee has continued to move forward as we progress toward a “normal” setting in our church. We maintained our Zoom interactive experience for our parishioners who attend the 8:30 service and Facebook livestream for the 10:30 service. Kris Eckert, has incorporated a TV monitor to make the Zoom experience more interactive for meetings, book studies, services and other gatherings. As construction in our sanctuary continues, we tentatively plan to use Zoom for both services. Thank you for your patience as we build our technology at Grace.
Welcoming, order of service, help to the needy.
Vestry Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
The Wednesday Community Supper has been serving a home cooked meal every Wednesday since 2008. We serve about 120 meals each week to the homeless, sheltered, seniors, vulnerable adults, families in need of stretching their food budgets and anyone who just wants company while enjoying a free dinner out.
It is probably safe to say that Grace has been ‘becoming’ for as long as it has been in existence. It is telling that one rarely hears it said that, “we are a beloved community”, because it indicates that the work is done. For those of us who are on this walk we know that while we have a way to go, we have faith that one day we will get there.
The beloved community is created when we become a people who embrace all with the care and love that is deserving of anyone who walks through our doors. When they feel it, they will come, when they know it, they will stay.
To engage in becoming a beloved community is ‘Church Changing’ at Grace. On the day this photo was taken high school students committed to serving the homeless on Dr. King Day. Just a simple act of serving coffee and donuts with young people who walked away from the experience feeling and believing that they were a part of something meaningful and more important than themselves. I guess I realized after they asked if they could come back, if that could move these students, then Grace is the place where we all can be moved.
Carol Allen Sullivan
Becoming the Beloved Community