Saint Mark
2nd Timothy 4:11 only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful in my ministry. The People’s Bible Encyclopedia 1916 edition states that in the gospel of Mark “His record is emphatically ‘the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God' (Mark 1:1), living and working among men, and developing the mission more in acts than by words."
The St. Mark window was given in 1930 by Mrs. William Kibble in memory of her husband.
William Harrison Kibble was born May 12, 1867, son of John and Sarah Frighter Kibble. He was married to Mary A (Mamie) Lamb, Born 1872, daughter of Prentice and Julia Lamb. Mr. Kibble died March 21, 1920, and Mamie Lamb Kibble died March 5, 1949. He is buried at Clinton Grove Cemetery Clinton Township, Michigan
One of the most famous shows to be presented in the Nelson Opera House in Mount Clemens was the original Kibble and Martin's big $30,000 production of Uncle Tom's Cabin, which also toured the country for many years. Bill Kibble, who lived in Mount Clemens, was the owner. Each season the first performances were held in the Nelson, preceded by a downtown parade featuring the entire cast. In Kibble's own words, the cast included "50 people white and colored, 20 colored people from the Cotton Belt, ten Cuban and Russian bloodhounds, two quartets- male and female, plus ponies, donkeys and Little Eva's chariot." Evening admissions were 25Ë, 35Ë and 50Ë, with matinees for 10Ë and 25Ë. The entire company traveled on its own private train. An interesting sidelight on this show is that Kibble insisted that the grocery stores in every town he visited must furnish dog food cut into small chunks for the dogs in the production. The procedure became so well known that this type of dog food came to be called "kibbled". Is it possible that this may be where today’s named dog food “Kibbles and Bits” originated?